3-Project: Mobile Medical Clinic
Heevie mobile medical clinic was started in the year 2008 as a part of Heevie plan to provide the health care services in the far villages which lacked the simplest health services as a result of the continuous wars in the region.
But since the year 2014, and after the crises resulted from the war against the terrorist group of ISIS, and after the displacement of thousands of families to Kurdistan region, Heevie directed its mobile medical clinic services to support the IDPs and people in the liberated areas and in Duhok camps, also the Peshmerga forces near the front war lines.
After liberation of most of the regions in the north of Ninawa governorate, including Zummar and Rabiaa, most of the people displaced from those regions returned back to their cities and villages, and many of families near the frontal war lines moved to the more secure newly liberated areas.
Those returnees and the local IDPs are in an urgent and acute need for the primary health care services, drugs and medical equipments. Heevie teams are trying to cover as much as possible of the health needs of our people in the liberated areas.
As part of WHO support to IDPs, host communities and returnees, and after the liberation of many of regions in Ninawa governorate specially Zummar and Rabia cities, Heevie organization through its mobile medical clinic is providing health services for the returnees in the region who are in urgent need to the medical support after the destruction of nearly all the infrastructure mainly of the health sector.
Heevie mobile clinic is providing on the site curative health services for IDPs, host communities and returnees and treats them, register their health data and report it to the DOH-Duhok and WHO according to below TOR:
Technical duties and responsibilities for Doctors:
- Heevie mobile clinic consists of 3 specialist doctors in addition to the other paramedical and logistic staff.
- Conduct field visit to the returnees and IDPs locations across the liberated areas of Ninewa Governorate.
- Providing physical examination for the patients.
- Register the individual health data.
- Describes treatment to the patient by indicating the diagnosis in their cards.
- Provide prescribed medicines to patient.
- Respond to the emergency calls.
- Register and follow up any communicable diseases with special focus on diarrheal disease as part of EWARN system.
- Follow-up the health of pregnant women.
- Provide onsite health education to the IDPs and returnees families at the location with focus on appropriate personal hygiene practices and diarrheal diseases prevention messages.
Technical duties and responsibilities for nurses/paramedics:
- Organize the patients according to their needs.
- To assist in collecting relevant information from patient.
- Basic physical observation by measuring vital signs.
- Provide nursing care.
- Provide counseling and health education.
- Follow the rules and principles of infection.
Challenges and interventions:
During the period of project implementation, Heevie tried to deal with all the challenges obstacles that rose to the surface every now and then especially after the operations for liberating Mosul city were started. Heevie mobile clinic was always ready to respond to any new event, as it happened when 11 families were displaces to Al- Dano village where Heevie is continuous to provide the primary health care services till they are moved to a new location or camp.
Heevie also continued to search for new resources for supporting its activities within the mobile clinic, in this field, Heevie was successful to provide the reproductive health care services by the support of UNFPA (for months November and December).
Clean water supply is an issue of concern in the liberated areas of Ninewa, since the region was a focus during the outbreak of Cholera in 2015, for this reason, Heevie MMC by the support of preventive department in DoH distributed 350000 Chlorine tablets over 6250 families in the liberated areas.
Actions performance:
The mobile medical clinic worked in Ninawa governorate including (Zummar, Rabiaa and Telkef districts). Heevie logistic teams did their best to assure safe travel for the clinic staff and also to guaranty a safe and easy access to the services by the beneficiaries.
Heevie performed a systematic follow up for the clinic activities through its reporting system involving the narrative and progression reports provided by the project manager and the logistic teams.
The expected work days for Heevie Mobile Medical Clinic were 5 days/week with expected 20 visits per month, but due to the increasing needs of the beneficiaries due to:
- Addition of new locations,
- Return back of more families to their villages,
- Security difficulties after starting the operations of Mosul liberation,
- And fewer number of health care service providers,
For the above conditions, Heevie expanded the clinic activities to cover larger numbers of beneficiaries. By this, Heevie MMC performed 314 visits instead of 240 and visited more than 59 locations, to provide services for total of (54984) patients.
Heevie MMC provided the following services during the reporting period
Number of locations/sites were visited (59)
Number of Consultation (54984)
Number of Mission (314)
The number of patients treated and main diseases by districts are as per attached sheets click to view
Pictures from Project click to view