1- Treating Patients and Training the Local Medical staff in cooperation with Italian organizations.
Heevie performed many activities in health sector in cooperation with, Kurdistan Regional Government, Ministry of Health, Med Child, SIA, IME Italian NGOs, and the RRT - American Embassy.
Heevie in 2008 signed three projects funded by (RRT) U.S.A Embassy in Baghdad (KRG Health Capacity Building, Creation of professional medical team of Paediatric Cardiac Diseases, Mobile Medical Clinic Projects) to treat children and train the medical local staff in cooperation with the Italian NGOs, Kurdistan Regional Government and Ministry of Health.
In 2008 Heevie sent 46 patients to Italy in cooperation with Italian Organizations.
- 117 patients have been operated in Kurdistan by the Italian team.
- 2544 patients have been examined in Kurdistan by Italian Medical Teams and Local trainee Doctors.
- 13 trainees local medical Doctors sent to Italy in cooperation with Italian Organizations.
- 117 Local medical staff and Doctors trained on the job in Kurdistan by Italian Medical Teams.
- 82 Professional medical Italian works in Kurdistan several times.