5.Project: Primary health care services within Heevie static clinic in Mam Rash IDP camp
Mam Rash IDPs camp in Shekhan district of Ninewa was established originally to gather the IDPs habiting the non- camp locations and unfinished buildings throughout Duhok governorate.
From the first day the camp was ready to receive the IDPs, Heevie established its static PHCC to provide them the necessary primary health care services.
The clinic is performing multiple health programs to let the clinic beneficiaries have an easy, safe and free access to the health care service and minimize the need to seek the services elsewhere since the camp is far from the main districts and it is difficult for the its population to travel to the secondary facilities, by this, Heevie is decreasing the load on these facilities also.
By now, the camp clinic is serving more than 8,362 IDPs as direct beneficiaries in addition to many others from the villages surrounding the camp.
The project implementation has been passed through multiple phases and time periods according to the donors. The first 3 months of the year 2018 was supported by GIZ, during this period 17,973 patients have visited the clinic and received various treatments and interventions.
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