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Archive: Year 2018

Through its wide range of projects implemented during the year 2018, Heevie Organization was able to respond to the health needs of ( 313,647 ) patients.

These projects covered multiple locations in various areas throughout both Ninewa and Duhok governorates involving the crisis and war affected areas.

The services provided were on the primary, secondary and tertiary health care levels.

The primary health care services provided involved clinical examination, medical treatment, reproductive health services, nutrition, vaccination, dental, laboratory, ultrasound, minor surgeries, health education and promotion and referral services to the secondary and higher health care centers.

The secondary and tertiary services involved treating children with congenital heart diseases, supporting DOH facilities and capacity building and training for the local medical staff in cooperation with Italian partners and organizations.

The patients treated were distributed among multiple projects as follows:

1. Project: Treating Patients and Training the Local Medical staff in cooperation with Italian organizations.
Funded by Cuore Fratello Onlus, SIA, Heevie - (Click to view)
The number of operations is ( 17 )

2. Project: Registering and examining the Congenital Heart Diseases Children.
Funded by Heevie - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 391 )

3. Project: Mobile Medical Clinic (1 & 2).
Funded by WHO : ( 1.16.2018 - 15.3.2018 / 16.4.2018 - 15.7.2018 / 1.9.2018 - 31.12.2018 ) - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 49,469 )

4. Project: Community Health Houses.
Funded by Heevie : 1.1.2018 - 15.1.2018 / Funded by WHO : 16.1.2018 - 15.4.2018 / Funded by WHO : 16.4.2018 - 15.7. 2018 / Funded by Heevie : 16.7.2018 - 30.11.2018 / Funded by WHO : 1.12.2018 - 31.3. 2019 - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 57,985 )

5. Project: Primary health care services within Heevie static clinic in Mam Rash IDP camp.
Funded by GIZ : 1.1.2018 - 31.3.2018 - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 17,973 )

6. Project: Improving access to comprehensive primary health care services through supporting Aski Mosul, Tal Musa and Hedhayma health facilities in Ninewa Governorate.
Funded by UNOCHA : 1.6.2017 - 31.1.2018 - (Click to view)

The total consultations during the project period within the year 2018 is ( 4,245 ) distributed between the location as below:
The number of consultations is ( 1,824 ) in Aski Mosul
The number of consultations is ( 1,297 ) in Tal Musa
The number of consultations is ( 1,100 ) in Hedhayma

7. Project: Primary health care services within Heevie static clinic in Shariya IDP camp.
Funded by GIZ : 1.1.2018 - 31.3.2018 - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 15,178 )

8. Project: Supporting the physiotherapy and the medical rehabilitation activities in Duhok governorate.
Funded by GIZ : 15.11.2017 -  31.3.2018 / Funded by Heevie : 1.4.2018 - 31.12.2018 - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 7,919 )

9. Project: Primary healthcare service provision through Heevie Static Clinic at Jadaa 3 IDPs camp.
Funded by WHO : 10.11.2017 -  10.2.2018 / Funded by Heevie : 11.2.2018 - 28.2.2018 / Funded by
WHO : 1.3. 2018 - 31.7. 2018 / Funded by WHO : 1.8.2018 - 31.12.2018 - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 41,823

10. Project: Equitable access to full package primary health care services for IDPs within Heevie static clinics at Shariya, Mam Rash, Kabarto 1 and Kabarto 2 IDPs camps in Duhok and Ninewa governorates.
Funded by Heevie 1.4.2018  - 19.4.2018  / Funded by UNOCHA : 20.4.2018 -19.8.2018 - (Click to view)

The total is ( 76,796 ) shown by the Location Below:
The number of consultations is ( 19,428 ) in Shariya
The number of consultations is ( 23,713 ) in Mam Rash
The number of consultations is ( 18,629 ) in Kabarto 1
The number of consultations is ( 15,026 ) in Kabarto 2

11. Project: Equitable access to primary health care services for IDPs within Heevie static clinic at Hassan Sham U2 IDP camp in Ninewa governorates.
Funded by WHO : 1.12.2018 - 31.5.2019 - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 3,307 )

12. Project: Primary health care services for IDPs within Heevie static clinics at Mamilyan Camp in Duhok governorates.
Funded by Heevie : 1.12.2018 - 31.12.2018 - (Click to view)
The number of consultations is ( 953 )

13. Project: Equitable access to full package primary health care services for IDPs within Heevie static clinics at Shariya and Mam Rash IDP camps in Duhok and Ninewa governorates.
Funded by Heevie : 20.8.2018 - 21.10.2018 / Funded by WHO : 22.10.2018 - 21.4.2019 - (Click to view)

The total is ( 37,727  ) shown by the Location Below:
The number of consultations is ( 18,150 ) in Shariya
The number of consultations is ( 19,577 ) in Mam Rash

14. Project: Reproductive Health Care Services.
Funded by UNFPA. - (Click to view)

15. Project: Adoption. - (Click to view)

16. Project: Health Capacity Building.
Funded by Heevie. - (Click to view)
